Image The Undefended Heart

The Undefended Heart

Group for 2025 has already begun. The Undefended Heart Intensive begins each October and runs until late April. The current series is a blend of the original Undefended Heart series and the "Furthering the Undefended Heart" series held during the depths of the Pandemic. During the months, we will engage a deep process of releasing ourselves from those places where we protect and defend the heart against others, and against life. To meet this challenge, we will learn the practice of spiritual warriorship. To state it simply, this approach to life is the unconditional practice of relating to every difficult circumstance as an opportunity for personal evolution and growth. Every internal or external event, however small or big, shows us where we close in judgment or resistance to what is. To choose to open, to utilize whatever strategy we have to accomplish that, lessens the power of others or life conditions to direct our emotions and behavior. In other words, we become less dependent on outward conditions for our wellbeing; instead, well being arises from our more consciously awakened perspective. From there, we have much to offer: truly evolved action toward a better world that does not issue forth from a polarized place, but from a place of great openness and compassion.

The Undefended Heart Series will also provide a place to practice radical honesty regarding our story of the self, and the world. A place to realize that it is our thoughts and beliefs about our 'self' which cause us to protect, defend and suffer. In short, we come to come to know the real 'truth': you are not your story, and our narrow focus on that obscures the expansive, uninhibited and brilliant awareness which is you.

The format of the group involves working with a small group of individuals over a period of eight months. This allows for participants to sink deeply into the material within the safety of established relationships and the continuity of regular support for deep, sustained practice. The series involves 6 Saturday sessions spread out over the 8 months, beginning in October. Practices and other homework assignments will be given over the months to sustain and deepen your growth in between group meetings. Limited to 8 people. If you have questions about the group, please email Louis or call 541-687-2835.

Next group will begin in October of 2025. Email Louis

Cost for the group is $150/session, or $850 if paid entirely in advance. Once you have participated in the first group, you will be asked to commit to the entire series. If you cannot attend a session, portions of it can be recorded for you to listen later.

To Register For The Undefended Heart

If I do not know you, I will require a private meeting in person or by phone to discuss the group and see if it is right for you.

Please email me to state your intent, and a registration deposit of $100.00 is required to hold your space. Checks can be made out to Radiant Life Center and sent to 5319 Donald St, Eugene, Or 97405;

If you wish to pay by credit card, that can be handled via phone call once your participation is confirmed.

Email Louis for information and registration or call


For more information or to register please email Louis at or call 541-687-2835.